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Unusual Weather In North and South China

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Unusual Weather In North and South China



Why the recent heavy rainfall in the south and high temperature in the north?


Recently, high temperatures continued to develop in the north, and heavy rainfall continued in the south. So, why does the south continue to have heavy rainfall, while the north does not retreat? How should the public respond?


A total of 42 national weather stations in Hebei, Shandong and Tianjin have reached the extreme heat threshold since June 9, and the daily maximum temperature of 86 national weather stations has exceeded 40 ° C, affecting an area of about 500,000 square kilometers and a population of about 290 million people, according to the National Meteorological Center.





Why has the recent high temperature in the North been so fierce?


Fu Guolan, chief forecaster of the National Meteorological Center, said that recently North China, Huanghuai and other places are under the control of high pressure ridge weather system, the sky is less cloudy, clear sky radiation and sinking temperature jointly promote the development of high temperature weather. In fact, not only is the recent temperature rise obvious, this summer, China's high temperature weather appeared relatively early, on the whole, the high temperature weather process will also appear more frequently.



Will hot weather become the norm?



For the current round of high temperature weather in North China Huanghuai and other places, some netizens will worry that such high temperature weather will develop into a normal state? Zheng Zhihai, chief forecaster of the National Climate Center, introduced that under the background of global warming, China's high temperature generally presents a feature of early start date, more high temperature days and stronger intensity. It is expected that the temperature in most areas of China this summer is higher than that in the same period of the year, and the number of high temperature days is also more. Especially in North China, East China, Central China, South China and Xinjiang, the number of high temperature days is more than the same period of the year. This year is in the El Nino decay of this year, the Western Pacific subtropical high is very strong, it often controls the place will be prone to persistent high temperature weather, so this year's high temperature may be more serious. However, its high temperature will have obvious stage characteristics, that is, in June, it is mainly the high temperature in North China and the Huanghuai area, so after the summer, the high temperature will turn to the south.



What are the characteristics of this round of heavy rainfall?



Compared with the high temperature in the north, heavy rainfall is still frequent in the south. From June 13 to 15, a new round of heavy rainfall will affect the south.



In view of the heavy rainfall in many places in the southern region of this round, Yang Shonan, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the strongest period of this round of rainfall appeared in the night of the 13th to the day of the 15th, the cumulative precipitation of the process reached 40 mm to 80 mm, and some areas exceeded 100 mm, of which the cumulative precipitation of the central and northern Guangxi and the junction of Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces reached 250 mm. Even more than 400 millimeters.






How long will the heavy rain continue?



Yang Shonan introduced that from June 16 to 18, Jiangnan, western South China, Guizhou, southern Sichuan and other places will also have large to heavy rain, local heavy rain, and accompanied by local thunderstorms and gales.



From 19th to 21st, the entire eastern section of the rain belt will be carried north to Jianghuai to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jianghuai, the north of Jiangnan, the west of South China, the east of Southwest and other places have moderate to heavy rain, local rainstorm or heavy rainstorm weather.



At the same time, in the coming period of time, the Huang-Huai-hai and northern regions will continue to have high temperatures and little rain, and the drought may further develop.



In the face of high temperature and heavy rainfall weather, how to deal with?



In view of the recent frequent high temperature weather, experts suggest that relevant departments do a good job of prevention and health prevention of heat stroke, especially for the elderly living alone, patients with long-term chronic diseases, low-income families with insufficient cooling facilities and outdoor workers. At the same time, strengthen scientific dispatch, ensure electricity for life and production, and ensure drinking water and production water for people and animals.



In addition, for the new round of heavy rain in the south, the rainfall area and the previous period are highly overlapping, and experts warn that continuous rainfall may cause secondary disasters.